DIY Heart Shape Box for Valentine’s Day!

These make for great gift boxes not only for Valentine’s day but for any day you want to give a gift or store your thing in it. (You can totally recycle cardboard boxes. I did it with the larger box in the photo!)

This is the first time I have tried making this type of box. I wanted to make something different and decided to make a box in the shape of a heart.. Little did I know it was going to be more difficult than I had actually imagined. So to start off let’s get what we need.

  • Cardboard/card. Enough for 2 heart shapes, and sides.
  • Heart shape template. Check the photo below to see how I made mine. The sides I used measured 55cm in length, with a width of 5cm for the lid and 4cm for the base.
  • Coloured paper, wrapping paper Or any decorative paper you’d like to use as the lid. (I’ve just seen a lace lid! I want to do that next!)
  • Scissors, that can cut card.
  • Ruler.
  • Pencil.
  • Double sided tape.
  • Ribbon & embellishments.

Step 1.

  • Draw a template of your heart onto a piece of paper, then trace 2 of them on to the cardboard.
  • Cut out your heart shapes, you should have 2 cardboard heart shapes. A lid and a base.

Step 2.

  • Decorate your lid. (I accidentally mixed up the lid and base strips. So keep that in mind when you start to stick your strips of card onto the lid or base.) I decorated mine with red coloured card. Leaving a little slit in the middle for any notes to be slipped in there.
Photo Credit:

Step 3

With your strips, make cuts about 1 – 1.5cm apart on the 1cm folded area. See photo below.

Cut along the folded area.1-1.5cm apart.

Step 4

  • Now you can go ahead and start sticking the lid strip of card to the lid heart shape.
  • Tip: Use small pieces of double sided tape instead of large pieces. It will help with shaping the rounded part of the heart. See pictures below for example.

Step 5

  • At the end of the strips over lap the inside one, and use double sided tape to secure it. Picture below as example.
Use double sided tape to connect it together and hold it in place.

Step 6

  • All done! Now fill it up with anything you like. You probably should put baking paper or some lining at the bottom if you are intending to put food in it.
  • Use the ribbon to decorated the side of the box. Use embellishments for the front of the box too!

You can make this into a box for homemade candy, or homemade chocolate by making dividers and sellotaping them into the box.

If you’ve made a box like this, did it work out? Or will you try making this box too. Let me know in the comments below.

While you’re here, please check out my other posts! Plenty to see, do or learn here.

Published by Gewa Crafts

A craft blogging Mum, living in New Zealand. Enjoying the family life.

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